Inter-Professional Council
at The Ohio State University

Current Issues

Our Mission Statement:

We, the Inter-Professional Council being those professional students of The Ohio State University elected and appointed by our peers, with our authority derived from the professional student body and recognized by the faculty, staff, and administration of this university, dedicate ourselves to the betterment of higher education and student life at The Ohio State University. We hereby promise to be accessible to the professional students, remain sensitive to the concerns of all undergraduate and graduate students, and to be a voice for professional issues. Therefore, the Inter-Professional Council at The Ohio State University charges itself with creating and maintaining an environment for the promotion of student excellence. 

Committee Involvement:

Inter-Professional Council is responsible for appointing student representatives to a variety of external committees around the university to address issues on campus.  These committees cover all facets of student and university life and the student appointee is responsible for providing professional students with a voice to the university wide community. Internal committees are also created and managed by the Inter-Professional Council and are made and altered depending on the needs of the council. They address the issues of professional student life, aid in IPC programming, and promote interprofessional interactions.