Inter-Professional Council
at The Ohio State University

PDF and PILF Forms

Professional Development Fund Application for Reimbursement

Submission Materials

  • Completed application
  • One (1) page explanation statement
    • Statement should include description of activity and the benefit provided to your educational experience
  • Itemized budget with original receipts
    • If original receipts do not show proof of payment, include supplemental documentation (e.g. Itemized credit card statement with your name, cancelled check showing payment, etc…)
  • Applications must be submitted in compliance with the Standing Rules of the Professional Development Fund. Failure to comply may result in denial of funding.

Applicant Eligibility

  • Applicants must be enrolled and in good standing in Professional School at the University during the semester in which the eligible experience occurred, or the experience must have occurred during a summer semester between two academic years in which the applicant is enrolled. The Professional Schools include the College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Law, College of Pharmacy, College of Optometry, and College of Veterinary Medicine only.
  • The experience must have occurred within the current application window as specified for the current application cycle. 
  • Students may submit 1 application per semester and two applications per academic year.
  • Students are eligible for a maximum of $750 per academic year, regardless of the student’s number of events.
  • Students who receive academic credit for an experience are ineligible from receiving a PDF grant to cover any costs from that experience.

Eligible Expenses Guidelines

The following information serves to assist potential applicants in determining what possible experiences may be reimbursed. Please reference the Standing Rules for the Professional Development Fund additional information.

Eligible Experiences:

  • Conferences
  • Externships
  • Certificates
  • Any activity done for academic credit or pay/salary is not eligible for funding.
  • Externships are defined by the individual professional schools.
  • Research Presentation Experiences
  • Other experiences which demonstrate professional value


Possible Eligible Expenses:

  • Travel to and from the eligible experience:
  • Airplane tickets, rental car fees (not including gas or mileage), train tickets, bus tickets, etc.
  • If traveling by personal vehicle mileage will be reimbursed at the state rate per mile.  Please include a print out from Google Maps detailing the route you drove. Please do not turn in gas receipts.
  • Airport parking fees
  • Registration fees are reimbursable. This may include food if a banquet or other meal is inseparable from the registration fee.
  • Lodging is reimbursable.
  • Some other costs may be considered reimbursable.  These items will be reimbursed at the discretion of the Justices.

Non-allowable expenses include:

  • Food
  • Alcohol
  • Entertainment
  • Travel for interviews

** Note that you are not able to apply for IPC funding if you already have applied and received (or plan to receive) reimbursement from another source of funding. 

Law Students Applying for Public Interest Funding 

**If you are a LAW STUDENT and you are APPLYING FOR PILF FUNDING, please provide the following in addition to fully completing the PDF application and AP compliance form**

Submission Materials

  • Proof of Employment on employer letterhead signed by employer.
  • Itemized budget with original receipts for rent, transportation, and travel

Applicant Eligibility

  • Applicants must be enrolled and in good standing in Professional School at the University during the quarter in which the eligible experience occurred, or the experience must have occurred during a summer quarter between two academic years in which the applicant is enrolled.

Organizations that ARE eligible:

  • Public interest not-for-profit organizations or agencies that provide access to justice for underrepresented individuals or groups;
  • Not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations seeking to secure or protect civil rights, civil liberties or public rights (i.e., organizations focused on conservation or first amendment issues).

Any governmental organization or agency.

Organizations that are NOT eligible:

  • A judicial clerkship is NOT eligible;
  • Any organization that is private or for-profit is NOT eligible;
  • Employment as a research assistant for a faculty member is NOT eligible;
  • Any political party is NOT eligible;

Types of Eligible Employment

  • The applicant MUST perform legal work, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), or policy work utilizing the applicant’s law training.
  • The applicant MAY engage in direct lobbying activities (i.e., attempts to influence legislation through communication with legislators or government officials).
  • The applicant MAY NOT be involved in grassroots lobbying activity on behalf of the organization. Grassroots lobbying activities include encouraging constituents to take action on a specific piece of legislation which the organization favors or opposes. Treas. Reg. § 56.4911-2(b)(2)(ii).
  • The applicant MAY NOT be receiving academic credit for the experience (i.e., The D.C. program).
  • The applicant MUST work a minimum of 6 weeks.
  • The position MUST be unpaid by the employer. 

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